Truth Analysis

Our Truth Analysis Program include two major test as given below:

Polygraph / Lie Detector Test

  • We do Polygraph  / Lie Detection Test for any person who is willing to take the test.
  • Polygraph /  Lie Detection test has 98% accuracy.
  • Polygraph / Lie Detector Test can be taken by anyone.
  • Polygraph / Lie Detector Test is simple, easy to conduct with high accuracy.
  • No need of inserting any medicine.
  • Person need to be physically present for conducting the test.
  • Person will be in conscious state when Polygraph / Lie Detector Test  is being conducted.
  • Most cost effective manner of knowing whether the person is lying or not.
  • All our Voice Stress Analysis Test are done under strict privacy policy.
  • Report can be generated in 2-3 days.

Voice Stress Analysis

  • We do Voice Stress Analysis Test for any person.
  • Voice Stress Analysis Test has 98% accuracy.
  • Voice Stress Analysis Test can be taken by anyone.
  • Voice Stress Analysis Test is simple, easy to conduct with high accuracy.
  • Voice Stress Analysis Test requires a 5 – 10 minutes of audio recording in CD or pen drive.
  • Person need not be physically present for conducting the Voice Stress Analysis Test. Can be send via email or via courier.
  • Most cost effective manner of knowing whether the person is lying or not.
  • All our Voice Stress Analysis Test are done under strict privacy policy.
  • Report can be generated in 7-10 days.

We at International Truth Detection Bureau are one of the biggest polygraph / lie detection & Voice Stress Analysis test examiners catering all over the World / India with their head office in New Delhi, India. Lie detection test / Polygraph test & Voice Stress Analysis is one of the effective way of knowing whether the person speaking a truth or a lie. We have a state of art a lie equipment / digital Lie detection machine with the latest software. We make a set of close ended questions that help in knowing that whether the person is telling a truth or a lie.

The polygraph instrument / machine typically used to conduct polygraph / Lie Detection Tests & Voice Stress Analysis consists of a physiological recorder that assesses indicators of autonomic arousal. Most of the common indicators or channels are heart rate/blood pressure, respiration, Abdominal thoracic, Activity monitor and skin conductivity etc etc. We use computerized recording systems. Rate and depth of respiration are measured by pneumographs wrapped around a subject’s chest. Cardiovascular activity is assessed by a blood pressure cuff. Skin conductivity (called the galvanic skin or electro dermal response) is measured through electrodes attached to a subject’s fingertips.

Our experts are fully professional, trained and experienced in doing a polygraph / Lie Detection Tests & Voice Stress Analysis. We have done or assisted in more than 10000 polygraph cases. We can do this test for any person who is willing to take lie detection tests with his own consent and is of sound health.